In the next Live Broadcast we’ll be taking a look at Warren Haynes slide guitar parts over Blue Sky. His playing we’ll be analyzing is the An Evening With the Allman Brothers concert back from 1992.
This has always been one of my favorite shows and I cut my teeth trying to learn the slide parts from it. The whole album is packed full of must know blues rock licks from Dickey and Warren.
If you are unfamiliar with this show, then I would suggest you go out and purchase it right now! Yes it is that good and you’ll learn so much about playing blues rock from two master blues guitarists.
To gain access to this Live Broadcast you’ll need to make a purchase from the LGN Store or have an Active ALL Access Pass. All Access Pass subscribers will also get access to the recorded playbacks.
The post LGN Live Broadcast 3 – Warren Blue Sky Slide Style appeared first on Learning Guitar Now Blog.